So, a few weeks ago, my class were were learning about opinions and facts. To really understand what opinion was, we decided to split up into groups and within those groups we discussed certain topics and look at them from a supporting point of view and an opposing point of view. One discussion in particular stood out to me, it was about if we, as Indonesians, should make PT Freeport for ourselves, as for now it is a joint work with other nations and we split the earnings from all the mining. Anyway, the group that discussed this had some interesting points.
The supporting side said that at this moment Freeport seems to be falling out and it is in the nation's best interest to take over and control it ourselves without outside intervention. We should also control it for the sake of helping the economy by getting all of the earnings and making more and better jobs for the people.
The opposing side said that we, as a nation, is not yet ready to control Freeport, not only because of our lack of technology and understanding of how to run it and how to keep it running among other things, but also the fact that Indonesia is still riddled with corrupt officials and employees, it might end up hurting our economy more that helping it.
At the end of it, I've made my own decision on it. Simply, I think we should just hold our horses and think about it, we are not yet advanced technologically and economically to fully utilize what Freeport has to offer. However, maybe some day soon we could.


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